Archive for the ‘Coffs Coast Health Club Seniors’ Category

Stop and Smell the Roses by Glen Barnett

October 18, 2016

Ageing Sucks, So Stop And Smell The Roses roses.jpg

 Someone said to me the other day that ageing is unimportant unless you are a cheese. This person was 70 had a lovely weathered face and a life behind them that was filled with achievements, experiences, adventures and many different pathways.  Just like most people their age.  So why do I think ageing sucks – because I don’t want this life to ever end.

Yes, I know I could drop dead tomorrow but as you age there is that awareness that you are heading closer to the exit sign than you were a few years ago.

How fantastic is life. That is not a question it is a statement. There are so many wonderful things to explore, enjoy and experience.  Now that exploration and those experiences may not always be enjoyable but they do allow us to gather the knowledge and insight to so much more than we started out with.

Next time you go out and about take a moment or more to look, feel and listen.  Look at life around you. Close your eyes and feel life around you. Open your ears and hear life around you. Even draw your breath in and smell life around you.  Get saturated in life. Sometimes this experience will be overwhelming to all your senses. Other times you may feel one sense is more enlightened than another.  This is a simple process that we don’t often pursue because we are too busy, to rushed or to blinked in our pursuits.

We all have favourite things to do that bring contentment to us or put a smile on our faces.   Watching children play, listening to favourite music, singing loudly in the shower or car, smelling the flowers at the florist, browsing through your favourite magazine at the newsagent even doing something crazy like when your money comes out of the ATM shout “I Won, I Won”.

Everyday indulge in one of these but don’t see this indulgent time as a treat, because it is your right. Your right to stop and smell the roses and fully enjoy, experience and explore every minute of your fantastic life.

For any other crazy ideas on how to live life to the fullest, call Glen Barnett at Coffs Coast Health Club on 66586222.






Sleep Like a Baby by Glen Barnett

October 11, 2016

Sleep like a Baby? Not Likely!

Sleeping like a baby may be something Baby Boomers would dream about, if only they could stay asleep, or at least get to sleep in the first place.

Having trouble sleeping is not uncommon especially as you get older.   The average person needs 7-9 hours of good quality sleep regardless of their age.  This may vary person to person but the quality of your sleep is what’s important.

There are many factors as we age that can affect the quality of our sleep from side effects of medications, sleep apnoea, prostate or incontinence troubles, stimulants from food or beverages we consume or even restless leg syndrome.

Lack of good quality sleep can exacerbate some of these issues resulting in a vicious cycle. Lack of good quality sleep may cause irritability, depression, weight issues and possibly make you more prone to illnesses and accidents.  One of the most common causes of poor sleep quality is stress.  Some people reading this article will wake at night tossing, turning and stressing about how to have quality sleep. As I said it’s a vicious cycle.

So what to do?  I’m always a believer in looking at lifestyle changes to help you so try going to the bed and waking at the same time every day.  TV and computers may be too stimulating for your brain so choose another activity to wind down with at night.  If your nocturnal mental ramblings are the culprit get up and write them down, then tell yourself you will ‘deal’ with them tomorrow.   Don’t look at the clock when you wake – it sets your mind alarm into the pattern of always waking at that time.  Decrease the amount of liquid you consume a couple of hours prior to going to bed to reduce the need to pay a penny during the night. Investing in a body pillow to wrap yourself around may help with your physical aches and pains.  Talk to your naturopath or GP about your need for magnesium and calcium which may alleviate those restless legs and ask if your other medications may be adding to your sleep woes.  Put a peg over your husbands (or your) nose to prevent the snoring – just kidding. Talk to your GP about this problem as it may be more serious than you think.  If you’re a Nana napper,  rethink or reduce your nap duration.     Avoid caffeine and sugar at bedtime and get your stimulus from daily exercise and a good old fashion dose of direct sunshine to help with your wake/sleep cycle.

If all else fails have some peace of mind in knowing that people who say they ‘sleep like a baby’ probably don’t have one or remember what it was like, to have had one.

Glen Barnett discusses Exercise as Medicine

August 2, 2016


Here is a concept that I really want you to consider, I want you to view exercise and being active as medicine, a dose of goodness to manage your health, weight and wellness.  It has been proven over and over that as a preventative measure to ill health and as a ‘cure’ for a lot of ailments, exercise is the best medicine around.

So if we know that this ‘medicine’ called exercise can have such a positive effect on our well being then why isn’t everyone taking their daily dose?   Who knows maybe fear, laziness or indecision?  Here’s some help.

Start with a goal and see your goal as being your dessert – something you’re really looking forward to but you need to earn it.   Get to your goal in small bite size pieces. If your goal is to drop 20kg then plot some smaller increments in your calendar rather than the big figure down the track.

Make sure you get your exercise dosage correct so get some guidance.  It is important to know how much exercise should be ‘absorbed’ to give you the maximum benefit for your goal.  Exercise should be prescribed in a specific dose you know that works for you including type, intensity, frequency and duration.  Definitely sample different types of exercise medicine, until you’ve found what ‘medicinal remedy’ fits best with you or is easiest to swallow.   Basically make sure the exercise you ‘take’ is something you enjoy and something that is going to help you get to your goal.

Make a commitment to your health, yourself and your future. Taking a daily dose of exercise medicine in some way nearly every day will lead to a positive lifestyle change and a very healthy habit

So if you decide you want to get a dose of one of the best medicines for your health, call me, “Dr” Glen, at Coffs Coast Health Club on 66586222 and we can organise a FREE prescription to get you started.


The Real Cost of Ownership

July 31, 2016

Life is hectic and stressful—we work long hours and the little time we have to ourselves is jam-packed with errands and responsibilities. It feels like we never have enough

All the while, media and society are in our face telling us, “That’s not enough. You need to own more, do more.”

In 2008 I decided I’d had enough. This concept didn’t seem right or worth it; and a wailing inside told me to stop and reevaluate my lifestyle. It was then that I embarked on a seven-month backpacking odyssey into the backroads of Asia, exploring different Buddhist traditions and advancing my meditation practice. I was determined to find the key to greater peacefulness in my life.

It was a life-changing journey, and this adventure—the people, the land, the culture and the Buddhist Masters I met—became the basis for my book Caves, Huts, and Monasteries: Finding the Deeper Self Along the Footpaths of Asia.

As I lived with people who have extraordinarily simple lifestyles, an insight into my inner angst began to form. High in the Himalayas I met mountain villagers who owned almost nothing and were raised from birth to put the needs of others before their own. I saw happiness and contentment there.

I stayed with an Indian desert family in their straw-roofed hut where they walked in bare feet and traveled by camel and cart. I saw happiness and contentment there.

I stayed in numerous Buddhist monasteries with monks who slept on the floor, owned only their robes, and spent their waking hours either in meditation or helping others. I saw happiness and contentment there.

I met and talked with common folk, people with few belongings, and so often our discussions would end with this advice: “Money means nothing, sir. Materials mean nothing, sir.” I saw happiness and contentment in them.

Over and over, I compared their simple lives to mine and wondered: Why are these people with almost nothing so happy and content?

I saw no link between having and happiness. But why not? My life is much easier than theirs. I have hot, running water at the press of a button, a house that is heated and air-conditioned, soft and comfortable furniture and a car at my fingertips to go anywhere at any time. I have a lot.

This conundrum dwelled in my mind for many weeks. And then I saw the link: there is more cost to ownership than shown on the price tag.

For each item we own, there is a “Real Ownership Cost,” which includes the time, effort and anxiety we experience throughout the life cycle of ownership. Aha! Deciding what to purchase based only on the price tag is where we’ve gone wrong.

Here’s where things become unorthodox. We’re talking about effects on our life here, not pocketbook cost. So let’s throw the concept of money out the door for a moment. I want to measure Real Ownership Cost in terms of time and anxiety—after all, isn’t that what we complain about? There’s always too little time and too much anxiety. Isn’t having time to enjoy oneself in a peaceful manner a good measure of quality of life?

Since we can’t pull out a calculator to evaluate this cost, we will make this a subjective evaluation. Doing this raises awareness of what we do in our lives—this is applied mindfulness.

If we calculate the Real Ownership Cost for all the things we own, we will find that ownership is a significant cause of the busyness and stress we so often complain about. We need to somehow consider this cost upfront before embarking on a purchase.

Let me give you an example of Real Ownership Cost—I’ll use a television purchase to demonstrate.


  • We want to own the latest, greatest television. We think about where it will go, if we can afford it, and how we will pay for it. There’s time, and a certain amount of stre
    ss, involved with all this. Your mind is grabbing; it is occupied and somewhat heavy. You’re already being pulled from the present moment.
  • We decide to get the television, so it’s time to shop. We spend time on the Internet, going to stores, dealing with salespeople and even experience anxiety about the possibility of getting ripped off. We want to get the best deal, right? For me this is a stressful and time consuming process.
  • We find the right television and purchase it. How much time did we have to work to earn the money for the purchase and taxes? If we’re prone to calculate, we divide the total cost by our hourly rate. Wow, did we really work two weeks just for a TV?!
  • Now it’s time to bring our purchase home. We travel to pick it up, pack it into the car, bring it home and carry it inside, all the while worrying about dropping or scratching it. More time and stress—just add it in.
  • It’s set up time. We take time to figure out where to put it, read the instructions and once again feel worry and frustration about whether we’re doing it right. Maybe we need to buy more cables—another trip to the store. Maybe we need to call tech support—there goes a few more hours of our lives!
  • Great, the TV is working. But it’s so nice and now we’re worried it’ll get stolen. Maybe we should buy insurance. Oh, and be careful not to scratch it when we walk by. We want to protect our belongings, that’s a background stress that’s always there. The mind is not light.
  • Six months later the color is distorted. We need a repair man. How much time did we have to work to earn the money for that repair? How much time to arrange for the repair? Did we lose time from work? More to add.
  • Two years later a new “Smart TV” hits the market and we decide we have to have it. But the lifecycle of the old one isn’t over yet because now we need to get rid of it. It takes time and energy to sell it, trade it in, move it or throw it in the trash. More time and worry to add to the list.
  • Then there’s what I call the “anchor effect.” Life has a way of changing course unexpectedly and now we have to move. Here we go again—packing up our purchase, moving it to storage or into our new place, worrying (again) about damage and insurance. With a house full of stuff, we are neither mobile nor flexible in our lifestyle. We are stuck like a boat anchor.
  • Finally, there is the somewhat intangible, but very real environmental issue of ownership. Buddhists know that everything is connected and what affects any living being affects ourselves as well. Every item produced takes from the earth, consumes energy, contributes to climate change and ends up as some form of pollution. Our consumption comes back at us in often subtle but negative ways.

The above example is different for every person and every item we consider. And it doesn’t just apply to large items. When we look at the full lifecycle effects of ownership, there is much more than meets the eye, and extending the consideration to all the items we own accounts for a significant part of our daily struggle with time and anxiety.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t the sole key to a “lighter mind”—only a component. We still have a lot of inner work to do to recognize the cravings and attachment to non-material items that produce anger, jealousy and unhappiness. And I’m not suggesting we renounce everything, shave our heads and wear a robe. The point is awareness: if we are aware of all the negatives that come along with that desirable item, we might well choose otherwise. Meditation is one tool to help gain that level of awareness.

It took an extended time living in third world situations before I recognized the link between ownership, time and stress. Sure, we’ve heard the great sages tell us not to get caught up in earthly things, but that all seems high and holy, doesn’t it? Everyone around us own plenty, so striving for more seems normal.

But don’t take my word for it. Take a look at the things around you and mentally consider all the time, effort and anxiety that went into them. Notice the small increments of time spent and worry created in engaging with belongings as you go through your daily activities. Multiply the effect times all the things you own.

Several friends of mine have done this to varying degrees and each reported a lightening of their life, a release of burden. One went through all his belongings and sold everything he could reasonably do without—right down to the unopened bottle of shampoo he didn’t intend to use. Not only did he “lighten his load,” but he had fun doing it.

Having less is like removing a ball and chain from one’s foot. First, we find more financial flexibility. Think about how much less stressful work would be if we didn’t have to worry about how to pay for all our purchases. Next, we find more available time. Here’s an opportunity to add to our meditation practice or volunteer in your community. Exercising compassion is easier without the burden of added stress.

So what’s stopping us from releasing a belonging? I often hear people say, “I might need it sometime.” But we can always buy another if we truly need to. I suggest trying to get by without it. Be creative with what you have and you might be surprised.

From a Buddhist perspective, this is addressing the root causes of our suffering: desire and attachment. Watch your mind as you consider relinquishing an item. Observe the clinging, grabbing and resistance of the mind. It is literally uncomfortable at times. Don’t fight it, just acknowledge it and then act appropriately. If the mind resists too much, let it be, drop the issue and resolve to revisit it at a later date. You may find at a later date that the mind has naturally comes to terms and is ready to let it go.

We need to focus on us: raising our awareness and lightening our load. With this mastered, we can move on to the larger societal problem of consumption.

Real Ownership Cost is a perspective, not an equation. It allows us to see how the cumulative invested time and anxiety over the lifecycle of ownership contributes to the busyness and anxiety in our lives. Ownership is best evaluated from a holistic viewpoint that focuses on the total impact on our lives. When purchasing and consuming becomes a conscious choice not driven by sublime desire, we will lighten our lives and our minds.

Author: Mark S. Kacik
Sourced from:

Glen Barnett discusses Coordination

July 12, 2016


Left, right, left, right, left right!  We don’t really have to think about this much (hopefully) when we walk but believe it or not the simple art of walking is a coordination exercise.  Hopefully when your feet go left, right, left, right your arms are doing the opposite, right, left, right, left.

Remember, you have fine and gross motor skills and bilateral coordination (using same limbs or sides together) and unilateral coordination (using one limb to do a movement at a time) This can then be challenged by using one limb to do one movement while another limb is doing a different movement at the same time, for instance the old tapping your head while rubbing your stomach!


Fine Motor Skills

  • Put a tennis ball in a stocking then hang it from a tree branch or even over your door (close door). Push it so it moves forward and backward.  Catch the ball with two hands (bilateral) then practice catching the ball with one hand at a time (unilateral). Then see if you can catch it with two hands then one with your eyes closed!

Gross Motor Skills

  • Try alternating taping one foot behind you and at the same time, reach the opposite arm forward.


  • Remember the ‘Pattie Cake’ game. Face a friend.  Both of you then place both hands on your own knees, clap your own hands together, then clap their opposite hand.  Pick up speed as you keep going!


  • This one can be tricky. Tap your right foot out to the right side and reach your left arm across your body.  Try the other side, left foot to left side and reach right arm across your body!  Speed it up!

Sometimes using a steady music beat can help you with coordination which is often why we find people’s coordination improves when they participate in group exercise classes.

Call Glen or Jacqui on 66586222 for more information.


Coffs Coast Health Club eNews – July 2016

July 4, 2016


Members & Guests Christmas In July Party
christmas in July
Come & join us for some FUN & FRIVOLITY, good food & fabulous company! We love catching up with all of our members & this year we are combining both Toormina & Moonee Club Communities to DOUBLE THE FUN! We have even arranged a courtesy bus for trips both north and south if you wish to indulge.

When: Saturday 16th July
Where: Greenhouse Tavern
Time: 12.30pm until 2.30pm
Food: A yummy lunch of hot and cold finger and cocktail food, pizza, healthy wraps and cheese and fruit platters, followed by a famously delicious Wicked Berries cake!
Drinks: from the bar
Tickets: Available from reception at the clubs or call Toormina on

6658 6222 or Moonee on 6653 6122. Only $15 per adult & $5 per child

A Warm Apple Pie (with Cream) Welcome to our New Dietitian Katie Drury

one stopAre you confused by nutrition? Do you find it difficult to choose the right foods for your health needs? Struggling to lose weight or managing allergies and intolerances? If so, it’s time you got the support you need from our accredited Dietitian.

Katie can help you with:
• Diabetes: if you are newly diagnosed, have irregular blood glucose levels or if you have recently had your medication changed.
• Heart problems: if you have high cholesterol, high triglycerides and/or high blood pressure.
• Allergies: if you suspect food allergies or intolerances i.e. suffering chronic abdominal discomfort, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea.
• Weight loss or unintentional weight loss & poor appetite.
• Sports nutrition if you’re seeking to increase your athletic performance.

Mid North Coast Physio are offering 5 FREE assessments with Katie to help you reach your health goals and discover a happier, healthier version of you. Call 1300 27 37 47 NOW to secure your FREE assessment before they run out!

Tips To Stay Warm In Class This Winter Workout Season

polar bearAs the weather gets cooler we can be tempted to sleep through our alarm in the morning and stay under the doona, or head straight home after a long cold day at work but it is important for your health and well-being that you continue exercising right through the Winter months. In order to boost your immune system, maintain your fitness and keep your mind happy and active, regular exercise is essential.

1. It is warmer inside the gym than it is outside and your favourite class is going to get you hot and sweaty but make sure that you wear layers to and from the club so that your muscles stay warm.  Remove the layers as you warm up during class and then add them back on as you cool off.
2. Hydration is very important and although you may not feel as thirsty when it is cold you need to ensure that you drink before, during and after class.
3. Allow a little extra time before class to warm up on a piece of cardio equipment or by doing some dynamic stretching.  Warming the muscles up adequately will prevent injury.
4. Put your favourite classes in your diary at the start of the week and commit to those work outs like you would any other appointment.
5. If you are finding that you are hitting the snooze button too often why not try leaving your alarm on the other side of the bedroom. Once you are up to switch it off you are up for the day.
6. If you are attending an early morning class lay your workout gear out ready for you to slip in to straight away or even sleep in your gear. If you are heading to the gym after work make sure you have everything in your car ready to go so there is no temptation to head home for any reason before heading to your class.

The great thing about group exercise is that you get to sweat it out with other people who are motivated, inspired and pushed by your instructor.  So don’t hibernate this winter – get in to the club and get warm while you get fitter, stronger and healthier.

The Power of NanoPro Versus Standard Protein Supplements


We all know that protein is an essential nutrient for the human body, but how do you know which protein is best? We’ve got you covered. Our EXCLUSIVE NanoPro takes protein to a whole new level. It is not just for muscles, it’s a full body internal tissue repair system that helps heal the entire body from the inside, out.

The benefits of NanoPro include:
• The highest bioavailability of any Protein supplement on the market
• Increase lean muscle and bone mass
• Speed recovery time from exercise, injury, illness, or surgery
• Reduce injuries related to working out
• Help maintain a trim, fat-burning, lean body mass
• Stabilize blood sugar and blood lipid levels
• Healthy appetite regulation
• Supports low carb diets
• Cellular detoxification and protection
• Healthy heart, brain, bones, organs, tissue repair
• Support a balanced immune system

NanoPro protein is truly a quantum leap in functional food nutrition that provides optimal health benefits. Coffs Coast Health Club is the exclusive stockist of NanoPro & right now at both Toormina & Moonee, we are offering it for only $79 until SOLD OUT ~ SAVE OVER 10%!

Coffs Harbour Running Festival Training Program

Are you getting ready for the Coffs Harbour 10km Fun Run? Glen Barnett is running a training program for Beginners to participate in the 10km fun run.

The 9 week program provides all the coaching and support you need to compete in the Coffs Harbour 10km on 4 September 2016! Starting on the 6th July this program will give you what you need to make the distance.

The mid-week session on the track will focus on:
– General fitness
– Breathing technique
– Core strength
– Injury prevention

On Saturdays we do a ‘long run’, and the distances increase as the program progresses. At this distance session we will focus on:
– Pacing and race strategy
– Distance “in your legs”
– Mental focus
– Running form
– Building up endurance

On top of the group sessions there will be a specific day by day training guide which outlines what you should be doing every day to help you be your very best on race day. Cost is only $50 p/week via direct debit or $420 upfront. Contact Glen directly on 0411037097 or to book your spot.bsc

40% OFF Women’s BSC Body Active Viper Range

Bodyscience Body Active Viper Collection has been Designed and made in Australia. The limited edition Viper Collection is hand crafted from Bsc’s unique high performance compression fabric. Together with the one of a kind luxe snake skin print in dark shades create an ultra-flattering sexy look on all body types. Available at the Moonee Club reception or call them on 6653 6122.

Short Term Workout Options for Friends and Family

shorttermDo you have friends or family that are in town during the school holidays? Would you like to save them some money & get them working out with you? Well due to popular demand we are now offering some short term workout options for them…

Single Visit – adult only $15, student or baby boomer only $10, incl access during all supervised hours
Week Pass – adult only $29, student or baby boomer only $19, incl access during all supervised hours

Simply see reception at the clubs or call Toormina on 6658 6222 or Moonee on 6653 6122 to take advantage of these offers for a limited time.

Have Your Say & WIN FREE Personal Training

saytowinWin a FREE Personal Training or Weight Loss Consultation by telling us what you need!

We are passionate about helping you succeed with your health and fitness goals, so to make sure we are delivering what you need to achieve your goals, please click the link below to have your say. This survey is brought to you by our Coffs Coast Personal Trainers and our Healthy Inspirations Weight Loss Coaches. You can fill out the survey anonymously or add your details at the end to go into a draw to win a FREE Personal Training or Weight Loss Consultation. This survey is only open until 17th July with the draw taking place the very next day. What you waiting for? Go for it!


Our mailing address is:
Coffs Coast Health Club
Link Indoor Leisure Centre, 600B Hogbin Dr, Toormina
Moonee Marketplace, 2B Moonee Beach Rd, Moonee Beach
Coffs Coast, NSW 2452 & 2450

Over 50’s Fitness by Glen Barnett – Coordination Exercises

May 10, 2016


Left, right, left, right, left right!  We don’t really have to think about this much (hopefully) when we walk but believe it or not the simple art of walking is a coordination exercise.  Hopefully when your feet go left, right, left, right your arms are doing the opposite, right, left, right, left.

Remember, you have fine and gross motor skills and bilateral coordination (using same limbs or sides together) and unilateral coordination (using one limb to do a movement at a time) This can then be challenged by using one limb to do one movement while another limb is doing a different movement at the same time, for instance the old tapping your head while rubbing your stomach!


Fine Motor Skills

  • Put a tennis ball in a stocking then hang it from a tree branch or even over your door (close door). Push it so it moves forward and backward.  Catch the ball with two hands (bilateral) then practicing catching the ball with one hand at a time (unilateral). Then see if you can catch it with two hands then one with your eyes closed!

Gross Motor Skills

  • Try alternating taping one foot behind you and at the same time, reach the opposite arm forward.


  • Remember the ‘Pattie Cake’ game. Face a friend.  Both of you then place both hands on your own knees, clap your own hands together, then clap their opposite hand.  Pick up speed as you keep going!


  • This one can be tricky. Tap your right foot out to the right side and reach your left arm across your body.  Try the other side, left foot to left side and reach right arm across your body!  Speed it up!

Sometimes using a steady music beat can help you with coordination which is often why we find people’s coordination improves when they participate in group exercise classes.

Call Glen or Jacqui on 66586222 for more information.


Working out with Bands & Balls

April 12, 2016


As far as workout equipment goes, stability balls and resistance bands are two of my all-time favorites. The ball has outperformed the floor and weight bench in studies because stability ball exercises use more muscles at the same time. And with bands, you can do exercises that normally require expensive machines without going to a gym. The result: You’ll firm up faster.

Here are seven exercises to get you started with balls and bands. Complete two sets of 10 to 12 reps of each exercise (unless otherwise noted), taking a 30-second break between sets. Do this workout two or three times a week, but not on consecutive days.

By combining these two exercise tools, you’ll recruit more muscle fibers, get all the benefits of a complete home gym, and sculpt beautiful, firm curves. Take a simple biceps curl, for instance. Doing this move on a ball requires more work, so it strengthens the muscles in your arms and tones your abs, waist, back, and legs because you need to use these muscles to maintain your balance. And bands allow you to move in arcs and circles, mimicking high-tech gym equipment and toning the front, back, and sides of your muscles. Now that’s what I call a total-body workout. As a bonus, bands and balls (which deflate) make great travel companions.

Band and ball basics This equipment costs less than $40 for both and is available at most sporting goods stores.

Bands Look for a package that includes light, medium, and heavy resistance bands that are at least 5 feet long. You should hold your band at a length that provides enough resistance to make your last two or three reps feel difficult. If the band is too long or you need more resistance, loosely wrap the ends around your hands. Move slowly through the steps of each exercise to optimize the resistance and prevent the band from snapping back to the starting position.

Balls Choose a size that allows you to sit with your feet flat and your thighs about parallel to the floor. For most, a 65-centimeter ball will do. However, if you’re shorter than 5-feet-5, try a 55-centimeter ball, and if you’re taller than 5-feet-11, try a 75-centimeter ball. If you’ve never used an exercise ball before, don’t inflate it completely. The more inflated and firmer the ball, the harder it is to balance.

*Excerpted from Sculpt Your Body with Balls and Bands by Denise Austin.

How To Use Resistance Bands & Exercise Balls

There are many different tools that can make exercise and strength training fun.
This article outlines:

  • How to use resistance bands and exercise balls
  • The health benefits of using these strength training tools
  • Things you should know before you begin exercising with either tool

Getting Started
Using resistance bands and exercise balls can help make your fitness efforts more enjoyable.

Using resistance bands and exercise balls can help make your fitness efforts more enjoyable.

By learning how to use each tool, you can do interesting and challenging exercises that meet your current needs or abilities.

Keep in mind that if you are new to exercise, or if it has been awhile since you exercised, you should see a medical doctor before starting any fitness program.

Strength training is a vital part of a fitness regime, and contributes to your overall health and well-being.

About Exercise Balls
Exercise balls are also commonly referred to as stability balls, fitness balls, Swiss balls, or physio-balls. They are an inexpensive and lightweight tool that can be used to improve strength, balance and functional fitness. They can be used at home, at the gym or fitness club, or almost anywhere.

Exercise balls generally cost from $10.00 to $40.00. Adult sizes range from 55 cm to 75 cm in diameter. To choose the size that is right for you, sit on the ball so that  your legs are at a 90 degree angle or greater.

Stores generally have a few balls inflated to allow you to try out the different sizes. Otherwise, refer to the specifications listed on the packaging. When you inflate the ball, be sure to follow the inflation procedures provided in the manufacturer’s instructions.How to Use an Exercise Ball

When sitting on the ball, placing your feet wider apart helps you to keep your balance or stabilize your body. With your feet closer together, it’s harder to keep your balance.

When sitting on the ball, placing your feet wider apart helps you to keep your balance or stabilize your body. With your feet closer together, it’s harder to keep your balance.

With a little practice, you’ll be able to use an exercise ball for a variety of exercises.

Here are five examples of basic exercises you can do on an exercise ball:

  • Abdominal crunches
  • Wall squat
  • One arm row
  • Chest press
  • Hamstring curls

The following basic safety considerations should be followed:

  • Breathe (inhale and exhale) through each exercise.
  • Avoid bouncy movements.
  • Keep your abdominal muscles tight when doing exercises on the ball.

You can use an exercise ball safely on your own, but consulting a fitness professional may help, as they can instruct you on correct techniques and getting the most benefits from using this tool.

If you try it and don’t like using an exercise ball there are many other ways to get fit or achieve your strength training objectives.

Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are an inexpensive, lightweight and portable tool that can be used to improve strength. They are also commonly referred to as exercise bands, resistance tubing, or therabands.

Resistance bands come in different forms and different resistance levels. Some are resistance tubing with a handle on each end, which makes it easier to hold onto when doing some exercises. Others look like medical tubing or an oversized elastic band.

Resistance bands that offer more resistance usually come in darker colours, while those offering less resistance come in lighter colours. Prices typically range from $4.00 to $12.00.

The following basic safety considerations should be followed when using a resistance band:

  • Check the band and handles regularly for signs of wear and tear, replacing them as needed, to avoid snapping the band or possible injury.
  • When doing an exercise movement you should feel the resistance in the first 10 to 30 degrees of the movement. (For instance, you should feel the resistance when you first begin to lift your arm while doing a bicep curl. Don’t go beyond that point, as this could cause a muscle strain or pull.)

Here are five examples of basic exercises you can do with resistance bands:

  • Bicep curl
  • Tricep extension
  • One arm row
  • Chest press
  • Leg press

To see a short video on how to do these exercises, visit the Mayo Clinic’s website.

Fun for All Ages
People of all ages can benefit from strength training. Using exercise balls and resistance bands can make it fun, and they are practical tools for working out at home or in the gym.

After you view the suggested videos, start slowly and try out some of the exercises. If you feel unsure or uncomfortable, consider asking for help from a fitness professional. Even if you feel confident, a fitness professional can offer extra tips or insights.

Coffs Coast Health Club eNews – April 2016

April 3, 2016


Sportspower Coffs Harbour 2

Back Pain Secrets Revealed – Seminar Series!
back pain seminar
The health care specialists from Mid North Coast Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinics are running FREE SEMINARS for all members & their invited guests at both Moonee & Toormina clubs early in April.

Do you or someone you know suffer with back pain? Do you want to know more about the common causes of back pain and how to get rid of it?

The low down…

Where: Coffs Coast Health Club Moonee

When:  6.30pm Monday 4th April (straight after the ATTACK class) &

Where: Coffs Coast Health Club Toormina

When:  6.30pm Tuesday 5th April (straight after the TBTA & PUNCH classes)

There will be a special gift for all attendees, as well as the chance to win a special lucky door prize to get you on the road to a pain-free back sooner!

RSVP by call 1300273747 or email to register. You can also put your name on the attendee list at Coffs Coast Health Club reception.


NSW Seniors Festival Week April 1st – 10th

seniors 2016 2The annual celebration of life experience is on from 1-10th of April and this year’s theme is GrowYOUNG. At Coffs Coast Health Club we love Seniors Week and this year is no exception.

We are holding our inaugural Seniors Festival Week photography competition which is free to enter and open to everyone. All you need to do is capture what GrowYOUNG means to you and submit your entry via or a printed version through either clubs reception by 5pm Wednesday 6th April. This will be drawn by Emma Rhoades Photography at our free GrowYOUNG seminar on Thursday 7th April, 9.30am at Sawtell RSL with Jacqui Barnett.

Also available to our seniors during this week will be:

~ Free access to either health club
~ Free classes
~ Free mini massages
~ Free health assessments
~ Discounted morning tea at the Hidden Link Café (Sawtell Nursery), Hogbin Drive 9.30am (booking rqrd at CCHC reception)
~ Free talk with Mid North Coast Physiotherapy and Toormina Hearing at the morning tea
~ Free lucky door ticket every time you come for a workout at Coffs Coast Health Club all week (winner announced at Seminar) plus
~ Discounted memberships options

Take advantage of all that the Seniors Festival Week has to offer and if you have any enquiries please contact Jacqui directly on 0421971155.

Coffs Coast Health Club CENEX logo gray
A recent Focus Magazine article shined the spotlight on our very own Personal Trainer Daniel Tempest. He is the man charged with the responsibility of educating the next generation of Personal Trainers here on the Coffs Coast.

Daniel Tempest cutDan is the Campus Manager for the local arm of The Australian Institute of Personal Trainers where those interested in becoming a Personal Trainer learn how to be one in a real gym, with real experiences instead of only online or in a lecture theatre.

Who is your most recent success story Dan?
“AIPT as a registered training organisation has the highest qualification to employment ratio in the market and our qualified students are also the most sought after. My first intake of students here in Coffs was October last year and already one of my students has recently become qualified, registered with Fitness Australia and started work at Beachbodies as well as Mass Nutrition. Her commitment and dedication to her study was exemplary and it has certainly paid immediate dividends.”

How can anyone interested in becoming a personal trainer get more information about it? They can call me directly on 0432 579 221, follow me on social media or visit our website at to get an understanding of the course content.

Grab the latest Focus magazine or find the article here on page 49 to get the full story…


Join The 2016 Fitness Buddy Challenge!

buddy workout


Our 2016 Fitness Buddy Challenge is scheduled for Saturday 7th May. Grab your buddy and register at reception asap to secure your team. Your training can start today or you can wait for the official 8 week lead up starting on the 14th March for the challenge exercises below. Great prizes up for grabs and rewards along the way. Link up with your favourite Personal Trainer for some discounted small group personal training to get you Buddy Challenge ready!
trophy team

Buddys can be any age, any sex and any fitness level. Friends, family, colleagues or even complete strangers. The winners of the event will be based on Total Accumulated Buddy Points from the following exercises:

  • Most Toe Pushups in 1 minute
  • Longest Wall Squat Held
  • Most Situps (elbows to knees, unassisted) in 1 minute
  • 2km run time
  • Most skips with rope in 2 minutes

Participants who choose to go withoutPersonal Training preparation pay $25 each to enter. Participants who choose to go with Personal Training preparation pay only $10 each to enter.

Each participant can access the special offer of only $20 per 30min session or $35 per 60min session for Small Group Personal Training before the event. Participants do not need to be a member of Coffs Coast Health Club to take part in the event but if a non-member decides to join, they will SAVE OVER $200.

Prizes will also be awarded for the best dressed Buddys, surprise mystery challenges and lucky door.

Register at Toormina or Moonee reception desks or call Glen 0411 037 097 or Jacqui 0421 971 155 for further information.


yoga pilates coming soon 2


Short Term Workout Options for Friends & Family!

studentsDo you have friends or family that are in town during the school holidays? Would you like to save them some money & get them working out with you? Well due to popular demand we are now offering some short term workout options for them…

Single Visit – adult only $15, student or baby boomer only $10, incl access during all supervised hours

Week Pass – adult only $29, student or baby boomer only $19, incl access during all supervised hours

Simply see reception at either club or call Moonee on 6653 6122 or Toormina on 6658 6222 to take advantage of these offers for a limited time.



Shaken Jamaican Balls!

Stocks Australia wide of the Healthy Inspirations Proti powder were sold out but now they’re back! Available at both club receptions, the Shaken Jamaican Choc Orange flavour is amazing not only in shakes but also in cooking…

balls 2Weight Loss Coach & Personal Trainer Simone Saunders recently posted a short video of herself making Choc Orange Protein balls & they are delicious. If you missed the video, check it out here & then grab your own tub from either club.

Shake on down and get 10% OFF today but only while current stocks last!



Have You Tried a Group Exercise Class yet?
front wall compressed

We have over 65 classes for you to choose from each week & here are the top 5 reasons why they are so popular…

1. It Saves Time: Check the timetable, choose your class, book it in to your day and make it happen. Classes start and finish on time, allowing you to get in, exercise and get out with minimal interruptions.

2. It Saves Money: All timetable classes are included in your membership and you can do as many as you like each week. No need to pay extra to have the most experienced and most motivating instructors all under the one roof. The benefits you gain with classes also save you money on health care, as people who workout are far less likely to get sick and also recover quicker.

3. It’s Safe: Whether starting out or continuing on, you want to feel safe. All of our Group Exercise Instructors are experts in their particular class type. These instructors both explain and demonstrate what needs to done and how it needs to be done. There are many different levels in each class to cater for all fitness and coordination levels and you can discuss you individual needs with your instructor before and after each class for further piece of mind if you like.

4. It’s Social: Group exercise classes are a great way to meet like-minded and like-motivated individuals. You’ll find you share common goals and interest which can be a great motivator to work hard in class and create more accountability for coming back week after week. Many great friendships have started over a pump bar

5. It’s Motivating: Having an awesome instructor and fantastic music encouraging you to push harder helps to take your fitness to the next level. Most people don’t workout to their optimal level by themselves, so by placing yourself in a motivating environment, you can be the best you can be. The excitement and energy in the room helps you forget you’re even working out


Come on in and try one out this week. Bring a friend for extra support if you like. See you there…



ANZAC Day Public Holiday!

The clubs will be unsupervised on ANZAC Day Monday 25th April but will remain open with normal hours, classes & kids club before & after that day.

All 24/7 members will be able to access the club at anytime to workout during unsupervised times, so take advantage of that option and upgrade your membership for only $2 per week at reception if you haven’t already…




Click here for more information on membershippersonal trainingweight lossmassage therapyrehabilitationgroup exercisechildmindingprivileges card & fitness careers or call us on 6658 6222 for Toormina or on 6653 6122 for Moonee for more help.

Invite your friends for a FREE TRIAL & grab yourself a new training buddy!



Your CCHC Team